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Malevitch Moon
Munch Moon
Haring Moon
Warhol Moon
No offers during the night so I listed them at 0.006

5 14

Between the poetry of dynamism, the alternative melody of there is the of CuboFuturism..

Kazimir Malevitch...The Knife grinder 1912..

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El mural que crea para las Galerías María Pita de A Coruña en 1962 manifiesta esa intención unificadora, de vanguardia y la sintonía con Malevitch, Mondrian, o Nicholson. En ese tiempo de experimentación, mientras su obra, por propio deseo, permanecía en el silencio del taller.

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Of course in the early 20th century there was a brief paradigm shift, which with artists like Mondrian, Malevitch, Brancusi, Kandinsky and the Bauhaus school delved really early into complete geometric abstraction. The emphasis here is in "geometric". "Objectivity" was the goal.

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´Painting is a thundering collision of different worlds, intended to create a new world in and from the struggle with one another, a new world which is the work of art´ 🎂 in 1866 poke

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-1910, Kasimir Malevitch

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I love testing paper with

on Malevitch torchon 10% cotton paper. Niiiice~

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Jolie valse à 200 (du à la Merci pour ce tour d'horizon érudit & passionnant en compagnie de Maud Guichané. Désordre de l'ivresse :

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I love that the house of art is broad enough to contain Malevitch's "Black Square", 1915 & Rousseau's "Three Apes" painted 5 years earlier

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Kasimir est mort le 15 mai 1935 à Léningrad à l'âge de 57 ans.

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