Why avoid the obvious similarities between these fossils, especially the NR-2 mandible, and Neandertals, particularly Krapina? That relationship is the interesting one, with clear relevance to paleoclimate changes. Nesher Ramla may be a likely Krapina source population.

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Homo antecessor is a species that occupies a fascinating time and place in human origins. The material from Gran Dolina are the closest known sister group to the common ancestor of today's people, Neandertals, and Denisovans.

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Recent archaeological work has uncovered the aesthetic cultures of who sometimes decorated themselves with colors, shells, talons, and feathers, marked and engraved cave walls, and had an ear for language.

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The Steinheim skull has been a puzzle in Today, we know that genetic exchanges with Africa influenced early Neandertals, and fossils from Apidima, Greece close in age to Steinheim may reflect this mixing. Why not this one too?

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The perils of understanding extinct populations with morphology are front and center with the Arago sample. Were they early Neandertals, or something else? My guess is a mosaic of drift in ancient Eurasian populations.

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