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@17thCenturyLady Henry Sydney and his pals who signed the “Invitation to William” in 1688.
@17thCenturyLady @jdmccafferty @SueCooperBridge @tudorfoodrecipe @MuseumCromwell @amylimart @kristianjmartin @restorationcake @RestorationHat @stuartsonline Mouse-skin eyebrows!
I know big brows are fashionable and often need a bit of help. But😱
Please don't bring these back! On squeak is not on fleek
(Here's a BBC recreation of the mouse-brow https://t.co/S2dXWnFHQO)
(ter Borch, Detroit Inst of Arts)
#StuartsSaturday #KeepItStuart
Cherish #5, the series finale, hits stores today with covers by Stuart Sayger, Ben Templesmith, Soo Lee and Clay McCormack.
#cherish #katanacollins #gabrielcaitano #stuartsayger #bentemplesmith #soolee #claymccormack
@17thCenturyLady @17cRoyalistHub @CryssaBazos @PSHistory @jdmccafferty @LiamPeterTemple @Pepyshistory @RoyalStuartSoc @stuartsonline @StuartOrme To me, this sums up all that was brilliant & glorious about Charles I but also all that was tragic. The pose, grandeur, & proud high horse, all so beautiful. But the distant, abstracted, expression of a man never at ease in this role. #StuartsSaturday
van Dyke—1633—Windsor Castle
@17thCenturyLady @17cRoyalistHub @CryssaBazos @PSHistory @jdmccafferty @LiamPeterTemple @Pepyshistory @RoyalStuartSoc @stuartsonline @StuartOrme Baptised #otd 1566 @stirlingcastle, ‘Charles James, James Charles’… The greatest of the royal Charleses - James VI (& I)! #Stuartsaturday
@17thCenturyLady @Pepyshistory @MuseumCromwell @cheapsellotape @LeandadeLisle @stuartparties @_JohnPilkington @jdmccafferty @ARebelHand @FrancesMNolan Nothing compares to the Barebones family!
How about 'Newdigate Poyntz' the brother of Sydenham.
@17thCenturyLady @childs_jessie @HallHarvington @LeandadeLisle @jdmccafferty @StuartOrme @RoyalStuartSoc @NTCoughton @KnoleNT I quite like this detail from a 1623 print. Fawkes's accomplice is a spotty demon/duck/dog/frog creature (with a cardinal hat?) whilst the guards are brought to the plotter by an angel with no anthropomorphic elements. Classic! @britishmuseum
#StuartsSaturday #KeepItStuart
@17thCenturyLady @NThardwick @cspencer1508 @swiftstory @cheapsellotape @jdmccafferty Here are some more delightful tapestry details: January getting warm by the fire; February a lion (um, OK), and June, sheep-shearing
@17thCenturyLady @NThardwick @cspencer1508 @swiftstory @cheapsellotape @jdmccafferty Labours of the Months.
British, second quarter of the 17th century, with details of October, November and December.
Worked in wool, silk, and metal thread (Met Museum)
It is #BabyLossAwarenessWeek. Organisations like @SandsUK & @BLA_Campaign can help, but, for some (like me), history can provide some solace. For #StuartsSaturday, let us remember the Stuart-era families who also suffered these tragic losses. #KeepItStuart
This weekend I'll be at the Cincinnati Comic Expo with new prints and exclusive comics, and drawing commissions! Come see me to discuss options to get a custom piece for your collection! Here's just such a recent commission! #stuartsayger #spider-man #cincinnaticomicexpo
Tune in WEDNESDAY at 8pm eastern on Facebook AND Instagram for my live show! I'll show NEW Bionicle art! Here's a tease of the finished fully colored Axonn I drew for world Bionicle Day! Plus live drawing! #lego #bionicle #stuartsayger #livedrawing #axonn #bionicleignition
Was Louis XIV (died #OTD 1715) the worst best friend the Stuarts could have hoped for?
The (secret) Treaty of Dover committed Charles II to converting to catholicism & relying on a French pension, while James II was left an obvious target for William of Orange.
Come see me this week at the Emerald City Comic con @ booth 1926 on the MAIN FLOOR (NOT ARTIST ALLEY) I'll have exclusive Joker and Dejah Thoris comics, new original art for sale, and take commissions! Here's a Catwoman I made! #eccc #catwoman #stuartsayger #batman #emeraldcity
Another piece of original art that will be available at the San Diego comic con! See me in artist alley table "AA-07" AND the rest of the original art that I'm bringing! I'll be taking commissions too! #comicon #sandiegocomicon #bobafett #startwars #stuartsayger # mandalorian
My Moon Knight original art available at Comicon San Diego! Come see me and the art at artist alley booth "AA-07"! I'll be drawing and taking commissions each day! Plus get to see my new Dejah Thoris EXCLUSIVE covers! #moonknight #mcu #marvelcomics #stuartsayger #comicon #SDCC
A Sinestro I drew. Rendered in acrylics and colored pencil! Get a piece like this for yourself at San Diego! I'll be taking commissions all week long! I'll be at artist alley table "AA-O7" #greenlantern #stuartsayger #comicart #dccomics #comicon #sinestro #dejahthoris