Next week we will open wishlist for 'The Beresford family' Stay tuned and please RT!

La próxima semana abriremos el wishlist para TBF. Permaneced atentos y RT por favor!

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We love our animated sprites for Spirit Swap 💕

How about some more Kanon for you guys?

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It's always great to see how far you went then you compare your older work with new one. Between new and old place is 2-3 years of difference.

28 151

It's and we want to show you our dear Jane🤩
Remember that you can now play with Jane! Don't miss out and download Jumper Jon on Apple Arcade

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two screenshots in one day!? why not lol I was able to finish writing my dialogue system... it's not perfect but it works.. ish

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There we go - a healthy dose of our cartoon should satisfy your needs!

Psst, they're lurking on Steam too!

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