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Inktober Day 9: Silence of the Lambs (1991) I love this movie I just hate the person that mentioned once to me that Anthony Hopkins is doing an Eartha Kit impression in this. It ruined a purrrrrfect viewing

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happy valentine’s day! the silence of the lambs was released 31 years ago today, on Feb. 14th, 1991.
ハッピーバレンタイン! 今日は羊たちの沈黙が31年前リリースされた日です。

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Now watching: The Silence of the Lambs (1991) Dir: Jonathan Demme. 4K UHD from

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🎃 7 Days til HALLOWEEN 🎃
You guys!!! is less than a week away now! Time to kick off the countdown with our Annual
"Silence of the MEEPS"

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