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Recent vibes of #YuenLong.
Don't forget to support #MilkTeaAlliance and allies 🏴
More: https://t.co/10NEM0dWsZ
Original tweet by @benedictrogers
Link: https://t.co/QGJCOpmMgt
@keyboardwah @Wong666V @YouTube Never Forget
Never Forgive
It's been 22 months since the #721YuenLongAttack. @Baochoy, @KwaiLamHo, @cheuktinglam & #HongKongers are all victims of the incident.
#HongKong #NeverForget
Today is 19 months after #721YuenLongattack. On 21 July 2019, terrorist indiscriminately attacked civilians at Yuen Long station, while no police were present in the turmoil.
Photo designed by @Small
@NikkeiAsia #ChoyYukLing is an excellent journalist who exposes the decadence of the Hong Kong government and the police.
#721yuenlongterroristattack is the Achilles heel of the Hong Kong police so they want to crack down on people investigating it.
@Cyperwrites @MsFarahLondon @pritipatel @BorisJohnson this matter must taken seriously - thugs involved in #721YuenLongAttack hv committed grave crimes against humanity by colluding with #CCP #HKPoliceTerrorists & violently attacking innocent & unarmed citizens
presence of such mobs impose serious threat to #UK - he must be evicted
@QuickTake All trust on #HKPolice has disappeared since #721YuenLongAttack!!
What we need is an independent investigation on #hongkongpolicebrutality!
#SOSHK #5DemandsNot1Less
#元朗恐襲 #元朗721 #元朗事件一週年 #警黑合作 #警黑勾結 #721NeverForget #StandWithHongKong #YuenLongattack
#圍爐 #放負 #721YuenLongAttack #721YeungLongTerroristAttack #721事件一週年 #元朗恐襲 #黑警 #警暴 #HongKongPoliceTerrorists #文宣 #香港人加油 #手足科勞
We never forget police cooperates with the triads to attack citizens.
#721YuenLongAttack #HongKongProtests #HKPoliceBrutality