Last year Abi created a huge abstract painting, approx 6x4ft, inspired by bloodlines and dynasties for her Alevel final piece.

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Year 12’s textile exploration has continued this term with needle felting, water soluble fabric and today bio fabric all inspired by our earlier spore samples and the work of artist

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How incredible are Rebecca’s series of portraits based on the theme of colour. They were created last year for her A Level.

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Loving seeing all the new work underway in class today, I am very impatient please finish quick !#alevelart

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“An endless signal will reach someday
Everywhere, even to the other side of the earth”


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Year 12 continue to find creative solutions to making art at home. These pieces were created with shaving cream, a mirror and coffee!

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The last stages of Fine Art A Level Coursework are coming together nicely. We'll done to Hollie, Robbie, Rosie and Jasmin for these striking pieces.

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