In the welkin
we walk
on the in between,
waking moon
and tucking sun
our tootling feet.
A Sunday time falter
to help define
pulsing souls
who desire
no sound,
letting winds
dancing breath

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Recollection raised
in your closed glassy eyes due,
tears crystalline blue.

Wishes in a card,
devil's birthday message sent,
any wrapped regrets?

Sealed dreams fanciful,
with the kiss of life come true,
paper gifts delude.

Bagged party memories.

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Promise me
this brittle paper butterfly
won't be
into that sea
of sharp brooches
who provoke us
w/ their false
good deeds.
Promise me
I'll go away
where I can
sow precious seeds,
harvest them
roots free.

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the forest covers
me w/ colors
of pine aroma

I sit, nestled at
the rotting log
and remember
your pristine

water, painted
now w/ tiger
tears, longing
to be near you

I bow under
your brow
and bathe in
your gentle glow

Artwork: Mary Trofymova

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Sunlight crept tender
those halcyon mornings,
my heart feeling
forever afloat
on its fair balm.
No plague
clawed itself
into our days,
sending us
annoyingly bound
to a messy journey
with endings
even the sour
don't seek.
Come back.

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