Last 2 of my 4 B/W made under remains of the painkiller/anaesthetic now coloured & worded on stooryduster. The coincided with week - the in a bustle just

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Thick Maybe 25 mins. in the on 400° F, flipping/brushing w/beef tallow. Part of my OMAD, which included ribs, burger meat, & pork rinds! I'm super satisfied.

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chops & lamb neck! 20 mins in the w/sea salt. Seared in a pan w/reduced liquid from

Ate most of this for my 14 hrs ago, w/salmon roe & pork rinds!


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A beautiful (& strenuous) up and down Pyramid Mountain with & Ruby! 2 of my carnivore besties! And about 2 hours of almost nonstop walking fueled by 🏞

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Burger meat on a bed of... bacon? Nope! Found some thin-sliced pork belly . Just meat and sea salt! 🥓🥩

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Last night, I finally took a quack at a whole duckling in the air fryer. It was good! But lean. isn't as satisfying as beef. Nonetheless, there's a lot of rendered 🦆🍗

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Went digging for I never have enough pictures! Here's one from around 2017, just before my next to a week ago.

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Cooked a whole in the on a stack of 7 lbs. done in 2 hours. Chopped up, liquid reduced & poured over chunks. Not very fatty, but it tastes so meaty! 🤤

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Refrigerated rump roast & heart ❤ soaked for 24 hours in bone broth after pressure-cooking w/soup bones! 🍖

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Pressure-cooker beef: & 5-ish pounds, 1¾ hours on high. Just tender enough for me! Soaking most of the in the 🍖

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Still not 100% comfortable but the continues to melt tighten & heal on my

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Carnivore seafood bowl! & Cooked in which reduced to a bisque-y drizzle. So rich, half of it went straight to taxes. 🥁🦑

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