And with one little typo, I found the games missing ingredient :D

1 19

Made a couple more enemies and added some non circular sprites ha :D This was a much needed break from

2 12

Attempt at new capsule art for steam. I'm junk at this. I might need to pay someone to do this instead...


0 14

Hi! I'm making a tooth punk bullet hell where you play as gummy who only has a single tooth (bullet). :)

3 8

I'm developing :) I'm excited for it because it has a fun and challenging (to play and develop) combat that I feel is pretty unique! :)

0 7

Gland mines have a little more utility within combat now and behave differently depending on what action they are tied to :)

3 12

Making new enemies is tough. These guys are coming together though :) I call them uvuworms. 🤪

1 14

Kind of in a lull for making bosses. I've working on this donnie darko thing this evening. Not sure how I feel about him yet. He got uvula arms 😘He's basically the top half of a mouth with a bunny head....

3 12

day 3 was uneventful. I smoothed out the room teleporting.....with teeth. More and more teeth.

4 9

New upgrade! It's a bit spendy but if you find yourself in bat country, it's pretty handy ;)

1 9

Fleshing out some upgrades. ;) Now your jumps can be so powerful that they rupture a hole in the ground where a slimy little monster can appear and shoot lasers!

4 27

Hey! There's a demo up for is how I'll refer to it for now) The link is over on reddit. My reddit handle is the same as my twitter :)
Feedback would be appreciated! :)

5 13