12 December on the a Dickensian Christmas story (NOT A Christmas Carol!) with an unexpected link: “The Story of the Goblins who stole a Sexton”, chapter 29 of The Pickwick Papers (https://t.co/NoLMKF80R1).

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Its that time of the year when I draw Dickensian faces.

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Caperucita en el de del domingo
y el dickensiano Mr. Bumble hoy en el 🇬🇧 de

➕#literatura & en viñetas

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Hey artists: I'm looking to commission a tattoo design (or find a tattoo artist to both design and do the piece) in the style of an old Dickensian engraving. I have a specific design in mind. If you're interested, hit me up w/ a link to your portfolio and your rates/location.

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Hay algo en la obra de tan bello como perturbador. Algo así como un espíritu transdickensiano atemporal... Os dejo el enlace a su galería por si queréis navegar por su obra en DeviantArt https://t.co/yBjHmHRDXz

10 42

Una fábula de ciencia ficción post-apocalíptica, con una atmósfera y protagonista sacadas del universo de Miyazaki (ademas de su mensaje ecológico), su parte de distopía también interesante, y un villano dickensiano. Me ha encantado

14 60

The only fish known to spout toxic drivel - polluting politics since Dickensian times -
‘Victori-anus Carpio
(Uncommon Carp)’

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The dickensian aspect.

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slight typo in 1911 Dickensian which claims that Dickens and his schoolfellows kept mice in their desk, as well as 'birds, bees and such small deer'

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This sucked all of my energy out |

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If t you’ve never read Aiken’s Dickensian alt-history Wolves series it’s a corker, you will be transformed

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GN everyone. I will leave you with this, in case you wanted a Dickensian cyber boy.

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15yr old me vs now
RIP eyebrows and the insurmountable need to dress like a dickensian paperboy using only clothes from lifeline https://t.co/sdFZpZWqQE

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