Female Exterminator Angel

SB: 85
AB: 300

Ends in 10 hrs!

25 288

the exterminator
"a warrior ,who defends cities with her blood-related power from destruction because of the monsters of corrupted-blood...
It is not known who she is, but it is rumored that she lives on one of the islands..."

2 15

fleshing out more oc stuff I finally gave my boy a name !!

meet Jin the part-time demon exterminator (it does not pay well)

4 8

Auction settled ✨

"Exterminator" has been sold to for 1.12◎ thank you very much for collecting my work! 💜

And big thanks to for kicking off the auction 🙏

5 13

Auction update✨

"exterminator" received a new bid from Thank you so much for the support 🙏

Current bid: 1.12◎
Only 3:38 hours left ⌛

2 11

Auction update ✨✨✨

"exterminator" received his first bid🎉 Thank you very much to for kicking off the auction, I'm really grateful 🙏

Reserve price: 1◎
26: 30 hours left

10 27

First drop on

Reserve price: 1◎
48 hours auction ⌛

11 28

Maddog, in eastern Tobo, has a rodent problem. Luckily, these magical exterminators are ready to respond - with extreme prejudice. dcb_o89 project_wduble

0 0

Monster March 2023
Day 10: Carnictis
Style: Pizza Tower

Prompt list by

Looks to me like there’s a bit of an infestation. But who needs an exterminator? You can handle them just fine!

8 33

❄️: Still though, encase anything happens.

*Half of his head quickly turns into an exterminator angel as he says*

🥘: We'lL Be ReAdY FoR It!

0 2

Wip Exterminator android npc
(✨ for height difference charts ✨)

3 12

Let’s meet one of NomNom’s main characters, Ralph!
From the slums of Mount City;
A young ambitious Kaiju exterminator emerged. Who, without knowing it, would grow up to be the greatest hero that the enormous scape of Mount City would ever know!

2 5


6 10


Just a paint doodle.

3 40

I got orange! 😸 Great colour, full of characters I think are awesome and wholesome :')... are except for Dale LOL and I'm counting his orange exterminator get up 😤

Reply and get a colour 🌈 https://t.co/2THvd4DYjK

0 2

dust plushie with built in bug-exterminator features awaits your slumber

27 723