my roomate and i and our goverment assigned danganronpa sonas

21 702

SO there's an REALLY IMPORTANT election going on in turkey and its like our last hope to beat our problematic goverment before everything goes reallyyy bad, i used some genshin characters to manifest our political victory! You can use these as pfp as you

56 315

When someone says "ILY"
But luffy declared a war to the world goverment to save his crewmate.

He is the standard.

23 126

I don't plan to draw today, but I am forced to draw Bridget everyday by the goverment

But I think I can repost and they will not notice shit...

20 230

the goverment's OCs

76 644

hes thinking about how the ppl in power of the goverment are ruining the lives of the lower class and how capitalism is a lie

8 80

heya! i need money for final fantasy 14 subscription, so im selling this gal i had for a year or 2/3 and just never ever used anymore, id rather have 30 usd in steam cards (cant recieve actual money in any way due to goverment bs) but ill take 15 usd in steam cards too. up to you

3 30

An AU of Kairos I have, she lives in a hellscape of a world where the goverment is every kind of fucked up and every living being is at war with each other (: she has a fairy friend named Axel and a dragonkin friend named Vixx!
Also she has a pet hedgehog, his name is Chioni <3

0 10


そういえば前に、黒パスの右下の文字が知りたいって言ってる人を見かけたけど、「WORLD GOVERMENT(世界政府)」で合ってそうだな。

7 34

restless and always on edge detective Childe with a murderous tendency. laid back but always perceptive goverment officer Kaeya. idk

10 71

⭐️Bangladesh x Argentina⭐️

THIS MUST HAPPEN. Sorry I'm excited yet~
They deserve everything, they were inconditional with us and offically both Goverments have started bilateral relationships, so.
I took the amazing design of .

(Promesa 1 done)

39 141

the story also takes place against the backdrop of a nuclear holocaust that, purely by luck of a momentary goverment of peaceniks, happens to neglect britain. the source of the conflict? something about "poland and the russians". again, not comparable, but depressing nonetheless

0 16

Finally most of real life issue including goverment has been settle, now for my daughter new school

Today kinda my best day, with sales in and finally can take a bit of relief on real life problem

Thanks to those who support me, i remember this in my heart

7 11

dance dance revolution! revolution? overthrow the goverment? i think so!

3 19

A wip I'll eventually finish hehehe
So Priest Gebura/Nun Binah AU

Binah is a demon named Garion who works for a super demon goverment, she is sent there to investigate the L Church to check and destroy whatever power they have there (thanks Hod thel lil' demon)

44 182

Catgirls are a goverment lie.

1 2

[AU - Knight Academia]
The Kingdom of Flügel, and its greatest floating citadel. In a magical and medival world. The Winged Knights serve as its city goverment alongside the church. Kazuki has graduated of the prestige school and ascended into one of the 12 captains.

16 86