I just realized Blender 2.61 already includes Cycles GPU render -- it's definitely not Octane but looks interesting

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here are some more pics for your next one, p.s i love what gpu made

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why would you buy 8 GB of RAM but use low-end GPU?

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To use the new Workshop Tools for Dota 2 you will need a 64 bit version of Windows and a Direct X 11 GPU.

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News from - launch their new GPU line up - more info here:http://t.co/HvgJ15mbVP

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Voxel planet volume AO on the GPU using distance field SVO; scales to GI with more memory - fast and pretty :)

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My GPU Ray tracer! Supports Shadows, reflection, and refraction.

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FlashでGPUリアルタイムレイトレその3。影とか微調整してアップロードしてみた。サイズの関係で屈折を入れられないのが残念… http://t.co/emPZSt6gtq

1 4

いろいろがんばって GPU 側で生成したモデルを Unity の描画パイプラインで描く例。 明日の Unite Tokyo でこういう話をする予定です。

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GPU Curl Meshes by . Built with Three.js. https://t.co/z2jx0GNiC8

11 17

Knald 1.1.0 Open Beta - 8kサポート!ケージ編集が容易に!GPUによる高速テクスチャ焼きこみソフトウェア!|3D人 http://t.co/UgFMJHFrNV

7 20

monday chill render in playing with motion

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I just remembered that you can actually render volumes on the GPU... Duh.

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GPU particles can be extremely hypnotic.. http://t.co/wb2Iq56vzt made with by

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Procedural Generation of 3D Caves http://t.co/X8moLCEhgO L-system for layout, metaball brushes, additive noise.

10 21