Huitzilopochtli again...
Pretty late and spend a hours for this.

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Victorious, Huitzilopochtli became the Sun, conqueror of darkness, ignorance, injustice and hatred. Coyolxauhqui was turned into the Moon, the sister who every night tries to defeat the Sun, and the Centzonhuitznahuac, their 400, became the Stars, prisoners of the Sun

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Today is the Winter Solstice, the day with the longest night of the year. Today we celebrate the birth of Huitzilopochtli, patron deity of the Mexica, Lord of the Midday Sun. This is His story:

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The Mexica adopted the symbol of the eagle as their protector, for it is one of the nahual of their patron deity, Huitzilopochtli, the Midday Sun, and Tonatiuh, Our Father the Sun

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Huitzilopochtli is the Aztec deity of war, sun, human sacrifice, and the patron of the city of Tenochtitlan.
The people had to make sacrifices to him to protect the Aztec from infinite night.

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Warriors who died in battle or as sacrifices to Huitzilopochtli were called quauhteca “the eagle’s people”. Believed that after death the warriors first formed part of the sun's brilliant retinue; after four years they went to live forever in the bodies of hummingbirds

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Aztec gods were divided into groups, such as for the weather, agriculture and warfare. The patron god was called Huitzilopochtli, who was associated with war and sacrifice.

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Apparently, Coyolxauqui is mentioned during the Muerto Race. In Aztec lore, she's the Goddess of the Moon who tried to kill her mother Coatlicue, but was beheaded her brother Huitzilopochtli. The caption mentioned that she's "regaining" something. 😰 Not good.

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Huitzilopochtli y Tezcatlipoca .Feliz primer aniversario a de mis sefies favoritas

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He creado una pequeña (efectivamente, el arma de ) para usarla como mi nuevo logo/marca de agua.
Soy principiante en esto, pero me gustó el resultado. 🤧✨ Para los colores me tomé libertades creativas.✌

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So this is just a piece for funsies, one of the main Mexica Goddesses.
She has a skirt made of rattlesnakes, and instead of head or hands, snake heads.

She gave birth to the god of sun, Huitzilopochtli, usually depicted as a little hummingbird.

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Huitzilopochtli nace ataviado (con su traje) y armado provisto con la xiuhcóatl «la serpiente de fuego»

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Iba a hacer el reto ese de kobayashi como dragón y me dibujé como Huitzilopochtli y ya me dio flojera.

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As Mexicans, September makes us feel powerful: We remember our fight for independence and what makes us proud as a country. To go along with the power through our veins, this Friday we will talk about the SUPREME god of the Mexica: Huitzilopochtli.

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I'll take any excuse to repost my art

(all characters except the 3rd one are my OCs, the characters in order are Primavera, Peroxy, Cable Crow Minus and Huitzilopochtli)

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Wardart, tipo volador y dragón, disfrutan la batalla como ningún otro, basado en el colibri y Huitzilopochtli.

Wardart, flying and dragon type, they enjoy battles like no one else, based on the humming bird and Huitzilopochtli.

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una pequeña dinamica con @/alguien_jasalu2 en tumblr 💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️
Su oc y hitzi/ Mi chico de azul (no tiene nombre😅)

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Bueno bueno haber como me va en el Twitter
Empezaré con mi dibujo más reciente,
El es el dios mexica de la guerra huitzilopochtli y será un personaje de un proyecto que tengo junto a unos amigos

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