# tobeymaguire spiderman samraimi makeraimispiderman4 マリーアントワネット marieantoinette jamiedornan イラスト イラスト好きな人とつながりたい 映画好きと繋がりたい greengoblin willemdafoe jamesfranco raimispiderman sony marvel nostalgic art artwork illustration digitalpainting digitalart painting releasetheraimicut spiderman3 raimiverse spidermannowayhome multiverseofmadness everydaycaricature caricature kiss comicart comicbookart marvelcomics entrevistacomovampiro fanart vampire comics desenho watercolor artistontwitter lestat interviewwiththevampire annerice tomcruise louis bradpitt claudia movies キスの日 スパイダーマン サムライミ peterparker maryjanewatson マーベル キス paint picture ipad ibispaintx movie cinema 絵画 映画 映画好き maryjane メリージェーン キルスティンダンスト masangers マサンジャーズ myart drawing mj maryjanewatsonparker mylove sorryaboutyourface bringiton friendship gabrielleunion characterdesign mondaymotivation sofiacoppola alternativemovieposters movieposter posterspy popcultart melancholia larvontrier poster posterdesign posterart arts prettydeadlyfilms kirstendunstfans elizadushkufans elizadushku zine photoshop drawingtutorial wip portraitpainting portrait 멜랑콜리아 그림 일러스트 인물화 영화 디지털페인팅 튜토리얼 kikideliveryservice witch philhartman imgonnafly fullmoon clearnight anime sliceoflife studioghibli roninh5x h5x drawhard ccpcomics kikisdeliveryservice happybirthdaytobeymaguire spidermanps4 spidermanintothespiderverse scrivodiluce 27giugno moments disney venom dimmidite lovelife life leggere vivalalettura film uomoragno 26maggio championsleaguefinal2018 sabato buonsabato ragno arte tv love uclfinal2018 liverpool ronaldo fakelove100m books halamadrid articolo spiderman2 dipinto scrivoarte

Sam Raimi is optimistic about the direction of Spider-Man 4 starring Tobey Maguire & Kirsten Dunst.🕷🔥


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Of all the awesome artwork has made, this is my personal favorite. From open Credits for Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 2 'The Kiss'
Tobey Maguire (Spider-Man) & Kirsten Dunst (MJ)

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Claudia, "Entrevista com o Vampiro"
Claudia, "Interview with the Vampire"

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Surprised to see my Marie Antoinette poster featured in PosterSpy's among many amazing work! Thank you 💕


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Featured Pop Culture Artist 🎨 Big Katze Design

Melancholia (2011)

Follow and Big Katze Design for more awesome pop culture art.

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My contribution to this month's filmindublin e-zine ! This time we featured Bring It On for its 20th anniversary 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♂️ Check out the full zine at https://t.co/QSseygZ29n

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