Population density of the British Raj if it existed today. The dark spots represent cities, can you name them all?
This map was generated with using and

9 33

OSM art is awesome art! This one uses the prettymaps Python library by that's based on osmnx, matplotlib, shapely and vsketch libraries.

Learn more about prettymaps at: https://t.co/KeKOIG2tP8

41 121

What if the Roman and Mongol empires existed at the same time? Overlapping regions are shown in green.
This map was made with using and

8 48

Where do the world's ~1 billion sheep live?
This map was generated with using and

32 104

【大学2年後期 統計解析を実践】

数理統計とPython の基礎を学んだ私は、大学の実験データの解析をPython を用いて行うようになります😋


ex) numpy, pandas, scipy, matplotlib, seaborn

0 5