Here’s the answer to that plus some bonus illustrations by highlighting our time on ’s

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It’s been a while on Twitter. But we couldn’t resist posting a little bonus guessing game. Answer on monday! - Cat

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It’s the weekend STINKER! Cat’s drawn one of my ideas today. And then I made her make it harder🤣 We’re debating whether anyone’ll get it. She thinks not but 🤷‍♀️ 😂it is ESPECIALLY stinky - Liz

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Good morning Lots of people doing well this week 😁
Here’s your mid week game fresh out the sketch book - good luck! - Liz

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So we have made it through to our Stinker! You have a whole weekend to agonise over this one. Good luck. Let us know how you’re getting but

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It’s Thursday time! Today’s is an oldie but a goodie, hope you enjoy 😁 as usual, we love to hear how you’re getting on with these but

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Hump day time! Enjoy a relaxing coffee, allow your mind to clear (that was quick😳) and let us know how you get on but

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It’s a Tuesday type of day! This one is just the surname we’re after. Good luck😊 Let us know how you’re getting on but

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Here’s today’s Stinker for the weekend which we planned out well over a week ago. It really stinks😬🤦‍♀️ Happy guessing
Let us know how you’re doing but

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How did you do yesterday? Been a fair amount of excitement about this film lately! The hoe is cussing and Po is too, so we will accept both or as your answer 😉

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Tuesday teaser. Hopefully, another gentle one for you! Some are still reeling from Friday’s weekend Stinker!🤣😈

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Monday Punday for you! Hope you all had a good weekend.
How did you get on with the Stinker? Did the extra time help you get there?
Today’s is a fun one to start the week…should be easy?!

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It’s Sunday and a for you. It’s a brand new Sunday Stinker, fresh from Cat’s sketch book for you to mull over this fine day 😄🎉All RTs etc welcome but

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It’s Monday, a new week of & a reminder that these games are available in greetings card form on our website at
All RTs etc welcome but

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Our third and final offering for you on this is here. Enjoy! 3/

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Two today. Here’s the first & it’s a cracker! All RTs etc welcome but Our shop is open for last minute cards & gifts. Come visit! 😊

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Here’s One of the very first guessing games Cat made for a family zoom quiz in first lockdown. All RTs etc are welcome but

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