Redraw ! my OC ‘Roshell’

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Rora Rosellie/Roshelle

Marga yg sering dia pake 'Rosellie' dibanding Roshelle karena di keluarga ny emang di pisah nama marga cewe/couo tp ttp satu kesatuan/yh

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Yeah, this Roshelle brosis feat meme🤘
Bayangin mau on duty, eh malah sempet"nya ngelawak WKWKW

Kenalin abangnya Rora, namanya Max Gauvain Roshelle 👌
Yes, marga mereka beda tp ttp satu keluarga karena ada masalah keluarga;))

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Just a few of my OCs, please do not use or reference. ©Me. Kaizen, Domini, Roshelle and Chaffen, in that order.

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Skull Island: The Birth of Kong
(November 2017)
- Cover: Drew Johnson and Jeremy Colwell
- Art and Color: Zid with Kinsun Loh
- Letterer: John Roshell
- Writer: Arvid Nelson

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Digital Century Series? - concept for unmanned combat aircraft combining mass-produced fuselage core with low-cost mission-optimized aeroshell - study compares F-22 with F-106 to investigate penalty of designing a combat aircraft for multiple missions -

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Contributor reviews 's The Thirteenth Doctor Vol. 1 by , , , , , Viviana Spinelli, Sarah Jacobs, and John Roshell.

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Our resident mad scientist John “Mr. Fontastic” Roshell has created WHATCHAMACALLIT, a single font contraption that can handle any design emergency, from crimelords to supervillain team-ups to alien invasions!

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A kissaroo from me to you!

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