Maybe if croissantonio had more curls in his hair

121 651

アンブロケイロサウルス カプトカウダ
Amblocheirosaurus captocauda
全長:(length )6m

6 16

In -- Lost Years (in stores today for you'll meet Elite master of...#dadjokes!

Make sure to get yourself a copy & join in on the chuckling & the eye rolling.

5 44


PC 那智このは


【エモクロアTRPG】変葬 Case.想有ぱか DL.わたるん 【

1 3

Hey, fans! Thought you might be hungry for a sneak peek at TMNT: so I'm serving one up.

Dig in!

40 195

What? Thought I was lying down on the job? Nope!

To prove it, to celebrate the release of this week (1/25/23), here are a couple teases of issues &

16 108


«E il Verbo si fece carne e venne ad abitare in mezzo a noi.»
(Giovanni, I,14)

Un a voi tutti.
à tout le monde.

[Domenico Ghirlandaio, Natività e adorazione dei pastori, 1485] 🎨

4 3

In we'll dig deeper into the past of the future of those he left behind...revealing much more of the story only hinted at before.

13 103

Welp, Persona 4 is trending because... reasons... so have a gander at some of my fan art!

3 5

เควสลับ [ สัตว์ร้ายอยู่หนใด ]

ความสำเร็จจะได้เมื่อเราไปคุยกับ Santon และได้ข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับสัตว์ดุร้ายในพื้นที่ ให้เราไปตามหาสัตว์ร้ายทั้ง 3 ตัวนี้ กำจัดมัน


369 540

Io che non so scrivere ma intanto nella mia testa si è già creata la storia che uno dei santoni più pregati era in possesso delle piume scarlatte, da lì in questa religione se si possedeva della piume di quel colore avevi accesso al paradiso dopo la morte fisica ecc ecc

0 0

day 7 carla alvarez santonia

8 19

We are all broken
That’s how the light gets in.

Ernest Hemingway

🎨 Lampros Katsantonis

3 11

🎨 Lampros Katsantonis

0 2

M Carmen comparte su proyecto final del curso 'Retrato ilustrado en acuarela' de Ana Santons, en el que combina técnicas tradicionales y retoque digital en este retrato ilustrado. Conoce el proceso en su

0 1

anton... but with those pawfeet stockings... moe...

179 1119