Shadow Kawasaki's "Kage" Kanji.

Kage is his birth name, he sticks with the more literal translation after forming the original "Shadow Warriors" team.

Logo designed by

Artist depicted:

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Hay que reconocer que mi me ha regalado momentos increibles! Y por tod es conocida mi afición por la temática Ninja! Así que... ¿qué voy a decir de este pues poca cosa mala... es una brutalidad!

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Text about 's work on the final version of Shadow Warrior Classic Redux is ready and going to appear on our website really soon!

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¿Había algún que recordéis especialmente por su presentación? yo podría estar horas y horas viendo en bucle la presentación del de en aquella épora era una auténtica virguería ver a Ruy Hayabusa corriendo por esa tormenta... simplemente brutal!

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Stream time! Tonight I'm going to be having a go at ION FURY... a retro shooter that looks like it fits in with Doom/Blood/ShadowWarrior, etc. Lets see what it's like together over on starting now! :D

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On first day of spring, Shadow Warrior 3 was released, and in honor of this event, we'd like to recall Shadow Warrior Classic Redux, which worked on back in the days:

More about Shadow Warrior CR:

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Hoy recuerdo de conocido en Norteamérica como Un mítico juego de destacaban las novedosas e impactantes cinemáticas que narran la historia de en su viaje a EEUU para vengar la muerte de su padre ¡Un clásico indispensable!

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i played da original SW, it fun

gib crazy fps asian grandma gf

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I have spent three and a half days making this one part of a very beautiful blade, I'm sure it's super not accurate at all. My skills aren't as good as the lads over at . Regardless I will do my best to keep my hype at bay for

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Color test. My tablet alters the colors from the main screen, however before adding everything else, the lobby is taking shape, where our heroes wait for a Team Deathmatch.

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this is the most handsome Lo Wang I ever done😂

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Trying out a brand new game today on stream - can’t wait to play and dive into I hear the campaign is ok! I’ll be on at 9PM BST

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Having a blast playing through on PC! Think of it as a modern day 'Shinobi' with other retro gaming elements thrown in to the mix! More info here: 😍👍😃#steam

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Colored Build Bros! Thanks for 1,000+ followers!

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Yasuhiro Nightow-style Build Bros (WIP)

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Practice piece with 2013 Lo Wang. Not too happy with it though, lots of mistakes.

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