,#Tinkercad,#Autodesk,#TinkerTogether,-Starting in on more details...making different hand options...

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streamlined shapes for vehicles with Tinkercad....doctored one in Meshmixer...

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,#3dmodeling ,#Africa,#Meshmixer,#Zulu,-Slowly working on a figure of a Zulu Warrior. Going to try to get as much detail as possible into it. The original Tinkercad body is on the left, and the Meshmixed result is on the right..

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,#3dmodeling ,#Africa,#Meshmixer,-Putting something together on Tinkercad....took the pure Tinkercad model on the left and finished it off in Meshmixer...

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,#3DModel,#Tinkercad,#TinkerTogether,#Autodesk,-Here's the link to the newly published design, ,-https://t.co/JeGihN7JtG

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,#3dmodeling ,#3DModel ,#TinkerTogether,#Tinkercad,#Autodesk,-Almost done...needs a couple more punkins...

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,#3DModel ,-Working on Cersei's hair...Just put it through MeshMixer

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,#Cersei,#Lannister,#Tinkercad,#Tinkertogether,#MeshMixer,#Autodesk,#3dprinting ,#3DModel ,-Trying to make a model of Cersei Lannister on Tinkercad...

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,#3dmodeling ,#Autodesk,-Making a ten-legged Octopus for Tinkercad's 10th Anniversary....A Dectopus???

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,#Tinkercd,#Autodesk,#TinkerTogether-Come see my New Year 2021 design! Just published!,- https://t.co/LfpBto3oJw

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,#Tinkercd,#Autodesk,#TinkerTogether-Working on an Ox design...

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