📚Coming Of Age story

reviews Go as a River by Shelley Read

Victoria Nash is a teenager in the 1940s living on her family’s peach farm.


3 6

Psychological thriller set on the Upper West Side

Nanny Needed by Georgina Cross
"..a rather wacky story that kept me going to the end.."

3 3

Fancy an atmospheric thriller set in
Other People's Clothes by Calla Henkel

"..this will appeal to people who know the foibles of the city.."

3 1

Davis 'has the ability to make the place she’s writing about into a protagonist' says about

The Magnolia Palace by Fiona Davis


1 3

'One of my favorite aspects of this novel is the unconditional support all four boys give each other.'

reviews If This Gets Out by and


3 19

The Dublin Railway Murder ~

'The sensational true story of a Victorian murder mystery'

1856 - Extraordinary real-life drama

Perplexing case
Confounded & shocked society



8 10

Books, books, books!

Use to help boost BLOG posts about books.

author interviews, new releases, book cover reveals, book memes and book news.

27 22

Guest Post on my book review blog:
Tom Williams talks about the Indian Mutiny and the republication of his book, Cawnpore.

10 8

My Top Ten *and a little bit more* Books of 2020

18 15


'The Odd Egg' by Emily Gravett

New review at: https://t.co/iWdazc2wkx

1 5