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Christina Forchner (illustration) and Volker Küster (typography), »Korpus« entdeckt das Buchstabenland (Korpus Discovers the Land of Letters) calendar, TYPOART, Germany, 1977.
So looking forward to the #netflix film about #marilynmonroe, I made a little something in honour. #vectorart #typoart #typography #beautifulletters #serifs #positype #lustscript #italicfont #fontlove #vector #vectorized #lineart #blend #movielove #paparazzi #marilyn #typedesign
Christina Forchner (illustration) and Volker Küster (typography), »Korpus« entdeckt das Buchstabenland (Korpus Discovers the Land of Letters) calendar, TYPOART, Germany, 1977.
Die 2020 bewegt sich rasant auf uns zu... #2020 #newyear #graphicdesign #newyearcollage #2020art #neuesjahr #teaser #zartherbesdesign #collage #collageart #letterart #collageliebe #collagelove #typoart #typography
Your house, your car, your bird. #allyourstuff #collages #collage #collageart #zineculture #graphicdesign #artwork #zine_art #digitalart #digitalcollage #collagewithobjects #typoart #typography
Trickse einen Vampir aus: Gehe heute Blut spenden #Weltblutspendetag #typoart #blood #collageart #worldblooddonorday #blutspende #blooddonor #chili #syringe #bloodsucker #bloodday #giveblood #blutspenden #splat #typography #typographyart #serifs #zineart #zineculture #composing