Black Dragon Games - Building Bhakashalさんのプロフィール画像

Black Dragon Games - Building Bhakashalさんのイラストまとめ

Bhakashal Spell Book:
Bhakashal Blog:

フォロー数:6823 フォロワー数:7912





Can’t like any posts or follow anyone new for some reason. Something’s up!

4 61

I like the idea of magic-users with swords, very Vance. So Bhakashal has magic swords that only work for warlocks. A moon blade, for example, transforms the warlock into a weretiger for an hour if it is used under moonlight.

It also comes in a "flawed" version...

7 56

I think that Enchant an Item doesn’t work as written in 1e, I wrote about it in Footprints Magazine

1 14

I have always wanted to have a location of hit system for Bhakashal, but it would add too much complexity to what is already a somewhat crunchy system if it could happen with every blow. I also wanted a system for "lasting damage" beyond HP. I've read many systems for both.

7 61

Well, it had to happen, the party tried to ambush a yuan-ti patrol, they have been fighting a lot of bad AC low HP mooks lately, the 7 HD spell using snake men were another thing entirely… write up to follow.

1 39

Day 2 summer camp session report. Spiders are not your friend, bullywugs laugh at your nonsense, and pan lung dragons do not negotiate lightly.

Pure RP fun, I got to be a bombastic bullywug leader, and a sly, confident dragon. They plead their cases!

3 19

Busy, busy, busy... but I got some awesome news today. I found out I'll be teaching a new course in the winter, Science Technology and War. I get to create my own syllabus (not use the existing one). That means for the next 4 months I get to look at sources for the class.

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