

Confessions of a Commodore Kid

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One of the (many) great things about ZZAP!64 was how all games were reviewed by 3 people. Most readers had a fave reviewer who shared their tastes (JR for me) so you knew you’d probably like it if they did. A brilliant reviewing system. A shame it's not used more.

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My favourite games of 1990* No.1


Incredibly original, wonderfully innovative & maddeningly addictive, Lemmings is one of my favourite games ever. Unique, funny & with perfect gameplay, I absolutely adore it. Not just my fave 90/91 game but one of the best of all time.

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My favourite games of 1990 – No.2

Kick Off 2 / Player Manager

I’ve put these together as I love both of them. If I had to choose one, I’d pick Player Manager. The added management dimension was brilliantly implemented giving players the best of both worlds. Top of the league.

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My favourite games of 1990 – No.3

Speedball 2

Not just a sequel, but a whole new (brutal) ball game. Packed with fast, exciting, violent futuresports action, plus improved management & strategy elements, Speedball 2 is outstanding. One of the Amiga’s greatest ever games.

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My favourite games of 1990 – No.4

Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge

A cross between Outrun & Pitstop 2, this super-fast racer is incredibly exhilarating. Graphics are excellent, gameplay is immediately compulsive & ultra-addictive & the 2 player head-to-head mode is fantastic fun.

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My favourite games of 1990 - No.5


A huge game full of imagination, Turrican is a magnificent platform/shooter. Superb graphics, a soundtrack that builds an awesome atmosphere, & gripping gameplay that has enough variety & depth to keep you playing for ages. Excellent.

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My favourite games of 1990 – No.6

Shadow of the Beast 2

SOTB looked & sounded ace but gameplaywise there wasn’t a lot going on. The sequel keeps the awesome presentation, gorgeous graphics & superb sound but adds puzzles, character interactions & hugely improved gameplay.

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My favourite games of 1990 – No.7


Paul McCartney’s favourite Amiga game is an absolute classic. With excellent presentation, gorgeous graphics, superb storytelling, and an ace atmosphere that hooks you immediately, Wings is a wonderful game.

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My favourite games of 1990 – No.8


This top-down mini-racer is enormous fun – especially when experienced in 3 player mode against a couple of mates. Racing one other around the track, chasing down the bonuses and pipping each other to the finish line is a brilliant laugh.

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My favourite games of 1990 – No.10

Rick Dangerous 2

Rick was back & more infuriating than ever! Better graphics & sound, improved level design, and more addictive/annoying trial and error gameplay. Haters still hated it & masochists still loved it. Another cracking platformer.

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