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Which pulp author has been better represented on the movie screen in the 21st century? Howard or Burroughs? And what was the best film overall?
I know some REH purists dislike Red Sonja as she is really a creation of the comics, REH’s Red SonYa notwithstanding, but I feel the lack of her presence in Conan comics. They’ve tried what I call RS “placeholders.” Dark Horse had Janissa and Marvel is pushing Dark Agnes.
Finished “Black Starlight” the Conan prose novella by John C. Hocking that has been running in the back of CTB 1-12. Fantastic read! @Marvel has some great stories that could be adapted to comics with these novellas. I was sad to see this bonus feature has stopped with issue 13.
@RabidRook This was a two issue mini he did the interior art for.
Speaking of low expectations, we have Howard heroine Dark Agnes. After the abysmal Bêlit and the lukewarm Valeria this was a step up, mostly because Agnes came across as a character and not a caricature. I’m actually interested in where this series goes.
While I had a few nitpicks along the way, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed Aaron, Asrar, and company’s 12 part epic. They stuck the landing with what I found to be a satisfying conclusion in issue 12. I’m excited for what this team has in store for KING CONAN later this year.
It has been a minute since I’ve bought a Captain America comic, but this sounds promising. I’ve also been a fan of Olivetti’s artwork since Dark Horse’s adaptation of the Conan story “People of the Black Circle,” and Johnson’s THE LAST GOD from @DCComics has been a treat. https://t.co/ZWjWjZqplW