Conan Comics, by Crom!さんのプロフィール画像

Conan Comics, by Crom!さんのイラストまとめ

Here to talk about the gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth of CONAN comic books!

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Which pulp author has been better represented on the movie screen in the 21st century? Howard or Burroughs? And what was the best film overall?

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I know some REH purists dislike Red Sonja as she is really a creation of the comics, REH’s Red SonYa notwithstanding, but I feel the lack of her presence in Conan comics. They’ve tried what I call RS “placeholders.” Dark Horse had Janissa and Marvel is pushing Dark Agnes.

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But...but...I thought. What about...? 😆

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Finished “Black Starlight” the Conan prose novella by John C. Hocking that has been running in the back of CTB 1-12. Fantastic read! has some great stories that could be adapted to comics with these novellas. I was sad to see this bonus feature has stopped with issue 13.

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This was a two issue mini he did the interior art for.

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THE CIMMERIAN: RED NAILS cover by Kendrick Lim.

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Speaking of low expectations, we have Howard heroine Dark Agnes. After the abysmal Bêlit and the lukewarm Valeria this was a step up, mostly because Agnes came across as a character and not a caricature. I’m actually interested in where this series goes.

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While I had a few nitpicks along the way, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed Aaron, Asrar, and company’s 12 part epic. They stuck the landing with what I found to be a satisfying conclusion in issue 12. I’m excited for what this team has in store for KING CONAN later this year.

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It has been a minute since I’ve bought a Captain America comic, but this sounds promising. I’ve also been a fan of Olivetti’s artwork since Dark Horse’s adaptation of the Conan story “People of the Black Circle,” and Johnson’s THE LAST GOD from has been a treat.

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