Pietra van Riese, sadistic pirate captain of the Relentless, sails the sargassum-choked Sea of Sorrows. Isles here include:
- Bluebeard's wives torment HIM
- Dr. Heinforth oversees an asylum of past hims
- Storm of ravens circles the impossibly-tall tower of the Lady of Ravens
Larissa Snowmane, mistress of the paddleboat River Dancer, plies the waters of the Domains of Dread. When threatened, she reluctantly performs a song she learned from Anton Misroi that epels undead & kills the living, reanimating them as zombies. Anton considers her debt unpaid.
Niranjan was once a monastery in Kalakeri. The wicked bronze dragon Sarthak rules in the guise of a philosopher, tricking people into giving up their worldly possessions (which are added to his hoard). He eventually steals their soul, replacing it w/ a shadow under his command.
Forlorn's Tristen ApBlanc lives a dual existence--dhampir by day, ghost by night. Cursed by his own adoptive druid family, Tristian commands an army of goblyns to deforest the land from a castle he built over their sacred circle. Mordent's Apparatus could be handy here.
We get lots of less-detailed Domains of Dread as well:
First is from Eberron: Cyre 1313, a lightning rail trying to escape the mysterious disaster known as the Mourning. It was delayed by a secretive, late-arriving VIP who doomed everyone aboard. Now it is a train of the dead.
Her heart yet beats in rhythm w/ the land from a hidden temple. Though she vowed to stop the hunts, they must continue to sate the savage land's bloodlust, lest her people fall victim to its hunger.
A pack of displacer beasts, led by one named Yana, serve Chakuna.
Lorinda can make children for others, but her daughters, who she treats as if they were all the same "Laoirse", always come out twisted & die before long. Only Viktal's seasonal fertility festival, the Tithe, in which a villager is sacrificed to Laoirse, can extend her lifespan.
The cannibalistic Lorinda & her sisters were revealed as hags when the Mists took them, but had a falling out because Lorinda wanted a daughter. She imprisoned her sisters in a cauldron within their lair: the Gurgyl, a "towerlike nest balanced on 3 skeletal dragon legs."
Mother Lorinda takes care of her children in the domain of Tepest, home to the idyllic village of Viktal. Cheery farmers keep golden fields protected by wicker scarecrows, & devote themselves to their protector, in hopes she'll grace them w/ bountiful harvests & hexblood babies.