

Videomaker, independent scholar, & type designer in Japan.

Aynu'itak ponno k=eraman.

Views are my own. 内容は私個人の見解。

フォロー数:553 フォロワー数:2247

Side note - something strange I found recently when looking for images I could use in a video to depict Horkew Kamui is that writing out his name in Katakana brings up results for a sexualised character of the same name, inspired by him who is in some weird dating sim app...?

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Fukuro's design with the Ainu patterning definitely shouts "Ainu" to me.

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Did a quick cleanup and colour correction on some frames from this WIP 4K restoration of the Super Mario Bros animated movie.

Proof of concept I guess. In theory I could do the whole film but it would take a long time to batch process them all https://t.co/1Nna3RsDhF

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And then looking at the very mountainous environment behind the town it's possible that more inspiration was also taken from Montserrat and perhaps even the Pyrenees for the snowy peaks even further away in the background.

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In Sinnoh, it's not just locations that are symbolic, but also the Pokémon you can encounter. For example, you can find Octillery on Sinnoh's coast because of Atkorkamui (アッコㇿカムイ), a giant red octopus kamui that is believed by the Ainu to reside in Hokkaido’s Uchiura Bay.

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Also worth noting that in Japanese that the 斗 (to) part of 北斗七星 (Hokutoshichisei) is also used to mean the square bearing block at the top of a pillar...

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I'm sure a lot of people will not like my choices lol https://t.co/hLLk1xxTLw

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That’s a good question which could be applied to a whole range of uses of cultural inspirations in media. As you said the korpokkur is one of the more utilised, and I asked about that as the game series The Legend of Zelda used korpokkur as a base for the Korok & Picori races.

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Most of what we know about the Ainu in the early 17th century comes from the accounts of Christian missionaries, specifically Girolamo de Angelis (left) & Diogo Carvalho (right).

These two were some of the first Westerners to meet & interact with the Ainu, & write about them.

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