Kazik Pogodaさんのプロフィール画像

Kazik Pogodaさんのイラストまとめ

the mother of xemantic, the collective of applied philosophy, where we express ourselves through code written for humanities - DNA of new cyber-symbiosis

フォロー数:502 フォロワー数:468

Generative Klimt. It's not my intention to mimic certain style of a painter. But sometimes something, which brings associations, emerges from the system.

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Exploring new color palette, inspired by and . Natural light dispersion preserved on feedback () * infinite space + chromatic aberration * refraction ^ color grading ().

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uniform vec2 k,l;uniform float m,n,h,v,w,x,o,y,e,p,z,q,r,A,B;mat2 s(in float a){return mat2(cos(a),-sin(a),sin(a),cos(a));}float f(in vec2 a,in float b,in float c){vec2 d=mod(a,1.)*2.-1.;float g=length(d);return smoothstep(b+c,b-c,g);}void main(){vec2 b=(2.*gl_FragCoord.xy-k)/m;

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The Mathematics of Perception. All the colors in this system come from simulated chromatic aberration in the depth of field. How colorful is your iteration minted on ?

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