LibrarianBookends (Steph 💛& Mary❤️) #NCTE2023さんのプロフィール画像

LibrarianBookends (Steph 💛& Mary❤️) #NCTE2023さんのイラストまとめ

A pair of #kidlit & #mglit book-lovin’ librarian BFFs - adventuring through life one page at a time - and sharing our crazy (but fun!) journey with you!

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We can’t help it... we love this series as much as the kids do! The Bad Guys are back in Book 12: The Bad Guys in The One?! by Aaron Blabey. As always, these characters are funny and the story is full of crazy adventures- and certainly left us hanging & ready for number 13!

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Today we preordered two middle grade books that we are anxiously awaiting the release of: ’s The Shape of Thunder and ’s Flight of the Puffin. Is it too early to start watching the mail? 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

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Our public library had Monster and Boy by on display, & ’s adorable cover art drew us to add it to our stack of checkouts. The story is perfectly whimsical & the relationship between the two characters caused huge grins to appear on both of our faces.

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We just fell in love with the March girls - and a fresh, new version of their story - all over again. 😊

Jo: An Adaptation of Little Women (Sort Of) by

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Day 19 of There’s sooo much to look forward to in 2021, but EngiNerds Strike Back by , A Place to Hang the Moon by , When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Peach Pie by , & Alone by are all at the top of our list!

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“I tell her I love her as many times as my mouth allows me to.”

The Brave by : that time we finished an honest & beautiful middle grade book, and we were left speechless enough that our review looks like this:

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Graphic novels are our jam, but our fave ever is Gabby & Gator by . This is *that* book for us- the one that started our fangirling for (And the updated G&G releases in one week- we ordered multiple copies already!) Yay for Day 13 of 🐊

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Our favorite middle grade genre is an impossible task because it totally depends on our moods! But since we are always ready for a funny book, here’s a shout out to a few of our laugh-out-loud faves for Day 8 of The Real McCoys, Bernice Buttman, & Beatrice Zinker!

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It’s Day 4 of A nonfiction author that we love learning from? That’s easy! Katherine Roy not only illustrates beautifully, she does deep research for her books. Best part? During her live presentations her stories & videos cause jaw drops from kids of all ages. 🦈🐘

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“To make matters worse, Eleanor - that was the name of his human - had forced him to wear the Big White Cone of Shame.”

Oh, how we love Horace Homer Higgins III & Bunwinkle/Winkie/Butt Wrinkle. What a duo! 🐶🐷

Horace & Bunwinkle by & is a must read!

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