Pokemon Arts and Facts - Find us on BlueSkyさんのプロフィール画像

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Welcome to the World of Pokémon! I post random official trivia & art about Pokémon. *Fan account* Run by @_TropicalSplash. I run this account for fun

フォロー数:347 フォロワー数:35396

According to an article on Kotaku, Jangmo-o was the first of the Pokemon introduced in Sun and Moon to be designed.

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The Galar Region is currently the only region without a Pokemon Storage System Developer. While Kanto has two, Bill and Celio.

While Galar does not have a developer, generation 8 as a whole still has one, in the form of Grand Oak, who runs Pokemon HOME.

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Contrary to popular belief, Serperior actually does have arms, similar to that of it's pre-evolutions. They are folded behind its back showing a sign of superiority and expresses importance.

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The Berry Glitch Fix demo at stores would give a Shiny Zigzagoon holding a Liechi Berry regardless if your cart was already fixed. These "patching stations" were available for over three years, and can be considered the longest existing events depending on context.

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Black 2 and White 2 broke the trend of obtaining the the regional starter Pokemon directly from a Professor. In these games, Bianca gave the player their starter for Prof. Juniper.

Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon has been the only game since to obtain the starter from a Professor.

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Overworld Sprites for Prof. Birch, Brock, Leaf, May (RS), May (Emerald), Misty, Prof. Oak, Lance, Steven Stone, Todd Snap and Red for use in Pokemon Ranger. These sprites went unused in the final game.

Red's file calls him Fire, paralleling Leaf's name not being Green in FRLG.

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Promotional Art and Assests from PokePark (or Pokemon the Park). A Pokemon based theme park from 2005 that was in Japan and Taiwan in 2006. It has since been closed.

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Zacian is described as possibly being Zamazenta's older sister in the Pokedex in the English and Japanese languages, implying it has a female gender.

Despite this, Zacian is gender-unknown/genderless mechanically and uses a gender-neutral term in most other languages.

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The red, aqua and gray patches on Regigigas may correlate to the Legendary Titans introduced in Generation 3, Regirock, Regice and Registeel respectively.

Due to Regieleki and Regidrago being introduced in a generation after Regigigas, they are unrepresented in its design.

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Melmetal has in-game data for it to learn the move Thunder Punch directly after evolving it from Meltan. However, Meltan is impossible to evolve in the core series and Melmetal must learn it through TM or move Relearner.

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