Award-winning author of historical fiction with a dash of sci-fi. My blog, Yankee Doodle Spies, profiles the people, places & things of the Revolutionary War.
15-16 July 1779 The British stronghold, Little Gibraltar, falls when Continental Army’s Light Infantry led by Gen Anthony Wayne capture Stony Point in a bold bayonet attack. British suffer over 130 casualties & 500 captured vs less than 100 casualties. #RevWar#History#AmRev
8 Jul 1777 NYC Gen William Howe’s army begins embarking on board the British fleet for a long voyage to the Chesapeake Bay. This will seal Gen John Burgoyne’s fate even as his army is moving triumphantly south from Canada. #RevWar#History#AmRev
26 June 1777 after succeeding in drawing Washington out of Middlebrook, NJ by luring him toward New Brunswick, Gen William Howe marched out of Perth Amboy & attempted to cut the Americans off from their defensive stronghold. #RevWar#History#AmRev