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Memento Moriさんのイラストまとめ

God is the only reality. - Fr. Gabriel

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The eighth of August is kept in some places as the feast of the Fourteen Holy Helpers, called the Auxiliary Saints. The devotion originated in Germany in the fourteenth century, during the Black Death. They have proven themselves efficacious helpers in adversity and difficulties.

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The Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ

The chief object of the Transfiguration was to remove the scandal of the cross from the hearts of His disciples; and to prevent their faith being disturbed at the humiliation of His passion, by revealing His hidden glory.

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"Without doubt, you think St. Martha greatly blessed because she had the high honor to receive our Lord into her house. But why do you not estimate your own much greater happiness? Who is He, Whom you receive in Holy Communion, in a much more excellent manner?" - Fr. Weninger

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SS. Nazarius and Celsus, Martyrs (68)

St. Nazarius was baptized by Pope St. Linus, and St. Celsus by Nazarius. They were both arrested and beheaded in Milan. Their bodies were found by St. Ambrose in 395. In the tomb of St. Nazarius was a phial with his blood, still fresh.

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St. James the Greater, Apostle (43)

First Apostle to suffer martyrdom, and the only one whose death is mentioned in Holy Scripture. He was beheaded by Herod Agrippa. He witnessed the Transfiguration and the agony in the garden. He preached the Gospel in Judea, Samaria, and Spain

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"Whom have I to thank, that the earth has not engulfed me? That heaven has not annihilated me with a thunderbolt? That fire has not burned me to ashes? That water has not drowned me? Whom have I to thank for it but Lover of my soul! Whose mercy is above all His works" - Augustine

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St. Gerolamo Emiliani (1537)

He spent himself in the care of orphans and the poor. He instituted homes for orphan children and founded a Congregation called the Somaschi, whose object was to educate orphans. He died from the plague which he contracted while burying the dead.

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The Seven Holy Brothers, Martyrs (165)

Seven sons of St. Felicitas were tried and put to death in front of their mother's eyes, under the Emperor Marcus Aurelius in Rome. St. Felicitas encouraged each of her sons to die for the Faith. She herself was beheaded four months later.

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SS. Rufina and Secunda, Virgins (257)

Rufina and Secunda were sisters by birth. Rather than lose their consecrated virginity, they accepted martyrdom under the Emperors Valerian and Gallienus in Rome.

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Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Mary is the instrument and means by which Our Lord imparts His blessings. He intends to show us that she is the channel through which He delights to communicate to us His grace, and encourages us to ask them of Him through Her intercession.

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