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The #Romans held rites on 9th October for the Genius Publicus, Fausta Felicitas, and Venus Victrix. The Genius Publicus were the protective spirits of the people, Fausta Felicitas represented good luck & happiness & Venus Victrix symbolised the victory of love over men.
The oldest and most famous of the #Roman Games, the Ludi Romani, ran from 5th-19th September (later from 4th-19th). The games were held in honour of the god, Jupiter and encapsulated a wide range of activities. There was a solemn procession, chariot races, theatre and dance.
A beautiful intaglio from the @GettyMuseum collection shows Octavian who would go on to become the #Roman Emperor Augustus. It dates to c 44BC-30BC and shows Octavian with a beard, worn by Roman men when grieving - this suggests the intaglio postdates the death of Julius Caesar.
The marriage of Septimius Severus and Julia Domna was a happy one and it was reported that he much valued her views and advice on politics. They had two sons soon after their marriage - Lucius Septimius Bassianus (Caracalla) in AD188 & Publius Septimius Geta in AD189.
The Battle of Pydna took place on 22nd June 168BC where Paullus defeated the Macedonian King Perseus, ending the 3rd Macedonian war. #Macedonia was divided into 4 client republics of the #Roman Empire. The painting is Perseus Surrenders to Paullus by Jean-François Peyron
The 13th April marked the anniversary of the Temple of Jupiter Victor in Rome. Jupiter Victor was responsible for bestowing military victories. A 2nd century AD altar dedicated to Jupiter was found at #Trimontium - IOM stands for Iovi Optimo Maximo - Jupiter Best and Greatest.
As 11th April is the birthday of Septimius Severus - here are two 3rd Century AD #Roman intaglios of him with his family. The first from @metmuseum shows him facing his son Caracalla & behind them, Geta faces Julia Domna. The 2nd in the Hermitage Museum shows him & his 2 sons.