Ed Keebleさんのプロフィール画像

Ed Keebleさんのイラストまとめ


フォロー数:455 フォロワー数:1243

Now it feels like spring- plodding along the Orwell this AM looking for scoter when sent a pair of BNGs over from the north shore to keep me amused. Up periscope every time a Herring Gull went over.

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That was a handy hint that there's a Black Redstart lurking about on patch. If I have pressed the buttons in the right order it should be all giffed up and shivering its tail below. https://t.co/KZ9HWmv0yb

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Learned a thing today and got some goosebumps in the process- GND doing the haunting single note wail from the throat without opening its beak. This one AM today got separated from its dive buddy and tried a few skirls to re-establish contact.

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GND snorkelling round a Little Egret in slack water on the Stour looked not unlike one of those doomy leopard seal versus penguin tableaux so beloved of Frozen Planet.

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Sometimes you have to cut your losses. I've had a Bearded Tit painting on the go that hasn't come right even after a couple of stern warnings, so I've binned it and used the leftover orangey and darker paint to do a Little Stint.

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No idea when I last would have seen four flavours of falcon in 24 hours, but they popped up in the right places last night and today- so here's a speedmontage of them from imp to imperious.

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So much bad going on out there it seems wrong somehow to bung on some music and fiddle about with a painting, but anyway- here's the finish up of paint of a Turtle Dove week 4 of August up in an ash and having its flank quiffed by the then gales.

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Time for my annual effort to do a gif of a Whinchat boinging in the wind- normaltimes I wrap the toes tightly around a stalk like coils but this one y'day was supporting full body weight on left inner and right middle toe no problem. https://t.co/2EZQAWsQOc

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Nice out, now its September- lunchtime today on the rising tide everything inc. this Grey Plover was racing to get in the lee of the lumps in the teeth of a pretty mild north-easterly.

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OK weather for Stone Curlew I guess. I was thwarted in my plan to check SC plot in cool of yesterday evening by a roosting male Marsh Harrier sat in the middle - he gave me a baleful squint and then went back to sleep.

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