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It is NOT unusual for people to leave a company if they expect a promotion and don't get it.
Iwata was elevated. Maybe Shinichi Shimomura expected to be promoted within HAL, was passed over or not even considered, and resigned in protest and left gaming altogether.
It happens.
The person worked with him on Kirby 64 and is still with Nintendo.
I asked if he liked him. Paraphrase: "I didn't KNOW him, but he was nice to everyone."
Something occurred to me
What else happened in 2002? Iwata's elevation. Maybe instead of passing away, he was PASSED OVER..
I got an "answer"
Says my source: Shinichi Shimomura is a male and they don't believe he's dead, that he just left. Nobody knows why. Nobody was close with him. Nobody even knew if he had a family or not.
All they gave me so far. I sent a follow up asking if anyone WOULD know..
I'm not going to call Kirby 3 a complete disaster because I enjoyed the tree boss fight and the twist it featured..
And because I'm going to trust my fans that have reported back that Kirby 3 was an excellent entry-point for their younger children.
But Kirby 3 offers me nada..
It's after work hours there so might not get a reply tonight
Meanwhile, I'm getting ready to make my call on Kirby's Dream Land, it's just a matter of whether it's going to replace Power Rangers as the new south-side Terminator Line game. I think it's probably good enough for it
Here's why the lack of production credits trips me up..
Nintendo's hierarchy is that directors are elevated to producers. Nobody would be assigned directing duties for FOUR games without being assigned to oversee anyone else's project or sit-in on production meetings.
You know what's REALLY weird?
Not a single producer credit. Okay, something weird is going on with this one and I want to find out more.
Meanwhile, if you have the broom power AND the owl, you use the owl as a feather duster.
That's.. absolutely cruel and hilarious. I love it.
I know fans will disagree, but I think Kirby is Nintendo's entry-level game for young children to get into the concept of action-based games.
This is just dull. Too easy. I hate this. I want to be playing anything but this right now. I'm begging it does something fun. Now. Plz.
Speaking of something where nothing happens..
I'm back to Kirby 3 and it's BORING!! I get introducing players to concepts, but I'm not enjoying it at all. The "blocks that require specific load outs" doesn't work at all for me.
I'm going to be taking a break, icing my jaw. I'm almost certain there's no serious damage but my teeth feel misaligned now, and I'm terrified of yawning.
Not that this would make me yawn. It seems alright.