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Cool #ideas, useful #info and #inspiration to develop #skills and enjoy #life

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Menstrual leave: some companies are offering time off for

These policies are designed to eliminate the taboo around periods and recognize the physical discomforts of

Has your period ever affected your work? via

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Is your office more annoying than you remembered?

The gossip, the loud talker and the nosy colleague are all manageable with the right

Here’s how to handle it: via

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A question for the ages: why is it that once we get into we're no longer tired?

Here are 5 reasons why:
Your brain thinks Bed = Awake
Too much
You're revved up from your
or depression
A Disorder via

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Heart disease in women is often missed or dismissed

New research shows that women may not realize their symptoms point to heart trouble, and that medical providers aren’t picking up on it either.

Learn more: via

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Just how passive is passive

The opportunity to make money while we sleep is one few of us would turn down. And passive income, at face value, suggests we can do just that.

But few discuss the required to get there.

More: via

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Struggling to These might help:

Don't stare at screens
Stick to a wake-up time
Swap coffee for light
Make time to wind down in the evening
Limit your time in bed
Make time to worry
Get in tune with your senses
Look at the sky via

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A question for the ages: why is it that once we get into we're no longer tired?

Here are 5 reasons why:
Your brain thinks Bed = Awake
Too much
You're revved up from your
or depression
A Disorder via

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A clean and tidy home can boost your mental

Take small steps toward a cleaner home and improved

Here's where to start:

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Just how passive is passive

The opportunity to make money while we sleep is one few of us would turn down. And passive income, at face value, suggests we can do just that.

But few discuss the required to get there.

More: via

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A question for the ages: why is it that once we get into we're no longer tired?

Here are 5 reasons why:
Your brain thinks Bed = Awake
Too much
You're revved up from your
or depression
A Disorder via

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