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"Just because a griever looks better after a few weeks or months does not mean he or she is no longer suffering. It simply means they are getting better at improving their appearance." ~Samantha Ruth

How to best comfort someone's who's grieving: https://t.co/Akf8KqBxkF

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All day long we’re bombarded with ideas to be happier/reminders that other people already are. This just makes us feel guilty when what we really need is to accept how we feel & take good care of ourselves.

5 ways to let go of the burden of feeling happy: https://t.co/MEm6m4CzFv

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Men are often taught that they need to stuff their feelings down/relate to other men through drinking & debauchery. But it's possible have more meaning & depth in those connections.

Rethinking masculinity - why I want more than bachelor parties & football https://t.co/dxYLCq3V8C

24 92

If the version of you from five years ago could see you right now, they'd be so proud. Keep going.

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“If you think there’s something missing from your life, it’s probably you.” ~Robert Holden

How to get out of your head and show up for your life: https://t.co/B54OQ34Sek

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Everything we say at funerals should be said at birthday parties instead. We leave so much love unspoken.

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“Remember that not getting what you want Is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.” ~Dalai Lama

Here are three compelling reasons to let go of your attachment to what you want: https://t.co/Z0rMYPuAsb

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“When the world feels like an emotional roller coaster, steady yourself with simple rituals. Do the dishes. Fold the laundry. Water the plants. Simplicity attracts wisdom.” ~Unknown

How to reduce anxiety through gardening: https://t.co/BuwvdVmEa6

73 340

If you're struggling with anxiety, be kind to yourself. You're already hurting. Why make it worse by judging yourself for your pain?

How reframing self-critical thoughts can help ease anxiety: https://t.co/4Fiao9eJsd

47 215

Avoid people who mess with your head. Avoid people who intentionally and repeatedly do and say things that they know upset you. Avoid people who expect you to prioritize them but refuse to prioritize you. Avoid people who can’t and won’t apologize sincerely....

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