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When we try to do big things/make big changes, it triggers our stress response & makes us avoid. If you want to make this the year you finally get started on your goal, this is for you.

Why we procrastinate & how to finally do what you’ve been putting off https://t.co/wlBoBZtMaj

58 200

Balance is everything. Balancing work and play. Balancing food and exercise. Balancing a social life and solitude. Balancing being and doing. Finding balance is finding freedom.

The areas of our lives we need to balance to find peace and contentment: https://t.co/xJlDsNqzwF

120 489

Ultra-independence can be a trauma response. It makes sense you'd want to protect yourself if you were hurt by people you trusted. But the past doesn't have to repeat itself & you don't have to go it alone.

How to overcome ultra-independence/get support: https://t.co/3OqYiD2ZmN

65 323

“When the world feels like an emotional roller coaster, steady yourself with simple rituals. Do the dishes. Fold the laundry. Water the plants. Simplicity attracts wisdom.” ~Unknown

How to reduce anxiety through gardening: https://t.co/BuwvdVmEa6

113 495

“You aren’t treating yourself with love and respect when you internalize others’ dissatisfaction and take it on as your own problem." ~Ilene S. Cohen

Why people-pleasers don't get the love and respect they deserve: https://t.co/nrifwFX93p

61 260

We spend so much time resisting & resenting life's little showers that we often miss all the rainbows right in front of us. Open your eyes. There's beauty all around you. You just have to look for it.

How life's daily challenges can be gifts in disguise: https://t.co/Ybib9UOyCR

54 232

It's not really the little things that make us enraged. They're just the last drops that overflow our cup because we're already stressed to the max. This means we need to empty our cup regularly our upgrade its size. Here's how. https://t.co/Umdp9F1RaN

69 315

Ultra-independence can be a trauma response. It makes sense you'd want to protect yourself if you were hurt by people you trusted. But the past doesn't have to repeat itself & you don't have to go it alone.

How to overcome ultra-independence/get support: https://t.co/3OqYiD2ZmN

71 342

“You aren’t treating yourself with love and respect when you internalize others’ dissatisfaction and take it on as your own problem." ~Ilene S. Cohen

Why people-pleasers don't get the love and respect they deserve: https://t.co/nrifwFFxEP

49 207

Taking a break from alcohol can be a powerful act of self-care. Still, it can be awkward when people question why you're not drinking. If you're planning to go hangover-free this holiday season, read on...

10 easy responses for why you aren't drinking: https://t.co/NcS8ew4ZSn

35 147