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"Letting go doesn’t mean that you don’t care about someone anymore. It’s just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself." ~Deborah Reber

3 signs it's time to move on from a relationship https://t.co/1IBqLjO7Ry

63 372

Sometimes you have to accept the fact that certain things will never go back to how they used to be.

324 1620

"Try not to think about it.” “Cheer up.” “Say positive." All well-intentioned advice, but not especially helpful when you're struggling with depression. If someone you know is in a low place, try these ideas instead. https://t.co/JBE6selHPP

44 196

"I’m just trying to remember that people don’t need me to fix them. They’re not broken. What they need is for me to present with them. To be with them—to listen—without the need to do anything." ~Becki Sams

What true empathy is (and isn’t): https://t.co/sLUuc6Qbjx

48 283

The older I get the more I realize the things that cost nothing have the most value.

356 1549

May your week be filled with good thoughts, kind people, happy moments, and unexpected blessings.

500 1668

“Survival mode is supposed to be a phase that helps save your life. It is not meant to be how you live.” ~Michele Rosenthal

Are you highly emotionally reactive? You may be stuck in survival mode: https://t.co/NJsTFNzPSP

54 278

The mind/body connection is a powerful thing. When we stop stressing about fixing ourselves, we give our body its best chance of healing.

How I overcame my chronic digestive issues by learning to breathe right: https://t.co/CPtaGLcroZ

23 139

Put down your phone. Your texts and emails will be there later. The person in front of you will not.

Why presence is the best gift you’ll ever give: https://t.co/B4E4seUC6z

140 486

"Mental health. is sooo important. If you need a day, take a day. Find something to relax you. Bubble bath, nature, writing, painting, etc. Just do it." ~Adam Danyal

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