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We spend so much time resisting & resenting life's little showers that we often miss all the rainbows right in front of us. Open your eyes. There's beauty all around you. You just have to look for it.

How life's daily challenges can be gifts in disguise: https://t.co/Ybib9UOyCR

70 242

“Setting boundaries is a way of caring for myself. It doesn’t make me mean, selfish, or uncaring just because I don’t do things your way. I care about me, too.” ~Christine Morgan

My Needs Matter Too - How I Started Speaking Up and Setting Boundaries: https://t.co/CDzGmVcUMg

51 204

"Letting go doesn’t mean that you don’t care about someone anymore. It’s just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself." ~Deborah Reber

3 signs it's time to move on from a relationship https://t.co/1IBqLjO7Ry

51 308

“Survival mode is supposed to be a phase that helps save your life. It is not meant to be how you live.” ~Michele Rosenthal

Are you highly emotionally reactive? You may be stuck in survival mode: https://t.co/NJsTFNzPSP

40 260

"Happiness is the direction we choose and the way we live our lives... Deep down, happiness is love and self-love. It’s realizing how beautiful your life actually is.” ~Mai Pham

How I stopped chasing happiness and started enjoying my imperfect life https://t.co/jxX2Y4EiLQ

125 501

"Grinding & hustling are seen as admirable & something to work toward...What would happen if we scaled back, even just a little? What if we included rest in our practice?" Ginelle Testa

Feeling burnt out? Meet toxic productivity & grind culture with rest: https://t.co/v0Cm9yGz37

32 148

Put down your phone. Your texts and emails will be there later. The person in front of you will not.

Why presence is the best gift you’ll ever give: https://t.co/B4E4seUC6z

126 457

The time's ticking and your mind keeps going and you just. Have. To. Shut. Your. Brain. Off. Except it only creates more anxiety when you tell yourself to stop thinking. If this sounds familiar, try this instead.

How to mindfully drift off to sleep: https://t.co/g0GqgMSoi6

36 155

This story brought tears to my eyes...

What I've learned since my years feeling stuck and unlovable: https://t.co/DL53qEDNNs

24 155

“Setting boundaries is a way of caring for myself. It doesn’t make me mean, selfish, or uncaring just because I don’t do things your way. I care about me, too.” ~Christine Morgan

My Needs Matter Too - How I Started Speaking Up and Setting Boundaries: https://t.co/CDzGmVcUMg

64 259