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@RepMichaelWaltz @realDonaldTrump Thank you for supporting us, we love uuuuu 😭😭👍#StandwithHK #FreeHK #HongKongHumanRightsandDemocracyAct
#SOSHK #SOSPolyU #StandWithHongKong #StandwithHK #HongKongProstests
The situation in #HongKong is deteriorating :(
Please #StandwithHK
The East is Burning Red. Kowloon Gundam of Neo Hong Kong.
#StandwithHK #HongKongProtests
What will the international community do at this critical moment?
The world must #StandwithHK now, or never, to prevent another Tiananmen Square massacre.
The government is prepared to murder our whole generation.
The polices abuse one's power.Polices supposed to protect the city but why are they keep on hurting the Hong Kong citizens in an inhuman way?Stop police brutality!
(this one is messy because i was rushing)
"LATIAS is usually doesn't like violence, but it's highly sensitive to the emotions of people. If it senses any hostility, this Pokémon ruffles its feathers & cries shrilly to intimidate the foe."
#HongKongPolice is shooting tear gas and rubber rounds inside the major university in Hong Kong- the Chinese University after they deal with the president of that university. #CUHK #HongKong #ChineseUniversity #SOSHK #StandwithHK
Make the right choice #standwithhk #antichinazi #HKPoliceTerrorism we fight or died
#PokemonforHK #StandwithHK #HongKong
Its whiskers sense yellow shops. It attracts trainers to there and tells stories of the 80's (It speaks #Cantonese !)
#HKPoliceTerrorists new tactics to incite ethnic or racial hatred?? @hkpoliceforce seen fired water cannon with blue dye at the mosque whereas no protesters were amassed at the time during #HongKongProtests
Mei says that Hong Kong should be liberated! Be like her, she supports human rights and freedom!
#LiberateHongKong #FreeHongKong #FreeHK #BoycottBlizard #StandWithHongKong #StandwithHK #自由香港 #free香港 #光复香港时代革命 #香港人加油
Freedom is worth fighting for
#MeiWithHongKong #MeiWithHongKong #MeiForHK #StandWithHongKong #StandwithHK #FreeHongKong #liberateHK #HongKongProstests #Blizzardboycott #overwatch #mei
Fire is catching. And if we burn, you burn with us.
#FreetoberHK2019 #Inktober2019 #StandWithHK