琴線に触れて静かな感動をもたらす인연、取り憑かれたように心がスッと持っていかれるLAST FANTASIA〜Ramalama、そして心と身体に火が灯るHAVANA…それぞれ違うアプローチなのにいずれも観客を虜にしてしまうパフォーマーの真骨頂を見た!って感じ。

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2 Shark Friends left in our lineup of shark friends - let's learn some fun shark facts!! This is Dollop, the Nurse Shark. Dollop is sweeter than apple pie and likes to spend her days curled up with her friends in their favorite cave.
Its thought the na… https://t.co/SSuapxSFk8

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何も見ずに描いたら髪型が微妙に違った…鳳くん結構くせ毛なのねと思うと鳳くんの髪下ろしたところもますます見たい…はあ…生きたい 鳳くんいい男なんだけどなあ…なあ…na…

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An other-worldly fantasy winter landscape went on another piece of fabric. This one became a waistcoat for the drama-king who has now taken to the stage in a professional capacity and is super-talented.⠀

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君の知らない物語 / supercell
by ぽこ天氏


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The most crucial step in fighting against political corruption and forcing politicians to get back to creating the greatest good for the greatest number of people is to reform our current campaign finance structure. I support campaign fina… https://t.co/uReoDuc3hZ

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While I’m continuing to work on this series, I’d be interested in seeing what style people prefer? I create both with each artwork but thought it would be good to hear from you all! The top style is definitely more me, but I’m really enjoying subtly appropriating the origina…

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Oh hi, small intermission, I realized I didnt post this! It was an original piece made for the raffle at the Burton/Laika tribute gallery hosted by last week! (My piece is still available, DM me if you're interested)

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Starting a Return of the Jedi pic. I remember seeing this at the cinema, and when Luke pulled back his hood, then caught the lightsaber on the sail barge … it thoroughly blew my six year old mind. https://t.co/GPUDzeVTNt

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i know all the other boys are tough and smooth and i've got the blues but i wanna…

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