Our commander-in-chief, our clumsy clown, tells everyone, everywhere, every time, that he has a plan...

He doesn’t, never did, never ever

He’s a flim flam man

Political cartoon by Mal Humphreys

(Nominee for Political Cartoon of 2020)

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Thank goodness you are here.
I didn’t expect you to let me in so willing, who were you expecting?
Are you not one of the folk? I sent a message, she is possessed.
She is not possessed just very spoiled but I’ll take her anyway, no charged. hissed the Cailleach

1 5

Sitting under the Christmas tree, she held the box like a & whispered, “Yes.” She ripped off the tinsel bow & slipped the ring on her finger. Her fiancé had proposed 3 years ago. Each year since his passing, she re-enacted that most happy moment.

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And then her hands take on a life of their own, & she paints furiously. Soon, scarlet gushes over taupe, coral flirts with jade, aquamarine cavorts with ivory, and purple trips over cerulean as it gets intoxicated by the drops dripping from her fingers.#vss365

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her tenebrous premonitions
that she
would become
an outcast to him
came to fruition
punished, shunned, then jettisoned
~as if
she were
a mortal sin~
she must
end their artifice
close this portcullis
and never
enchant his realm

by fb/oilstures

36 126

Icicles from spindly branches, and flurries swirl to the of winter. She sits, rocking, staring through the broken window pane, warmed by memories of a Christmas long past. Shadows of twinkle lights roam over her ghostly smile.

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How do you the beauty of art? It is the value, aesthetic, skill, artist’s reputation, mark making, meaning, colour... in this humble subjective opinion, it’s a bit of everything. Here are my picks from

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Sweet Dream

The of a quintessential love is to the heart—the scope of its blossoms & blossoms—sometimes from the very start—or so it would seem—That nothing incredible is impossible but yet another sweet dream.✍🏽#Bravewrite

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Prism illusions
arc in the
Sunlight meets water vapor,
and light wavelengths dance.
Red light waves are long,
Violet lightwaves are short.
Both outline rainbows,
eye receptors report.
Be inspired by visions,
you believe are there.
Purple looks good
in your hair.

1 33

It only took bells or an of snow to set off Ed the Elf’s Memories haunted him, like that time he mixed up the naughty & nice lists.

“Santa! Help!” wrote his son.

The bottle of “Xmas spirit” Santa sent worked a treat.

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Blitzen took several puffs of breath, and out came a giant sneeze. The nasal boom scared the other reindeer! Santa pulled the reigns, gaining control before the sleigh saving the presents with glittery paper and bows. “Phew!”

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romantic seascapes used the motif of stormy seas to reflect the turbulent times in Russia, Italy or Greece. He did not all ships but his most famous ‘The Ninth Wave’ (1st pic) depicts the sailors awaiting their fate. My fav is the last of Sounion

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A life so
A heart so strong
Perpetrators in prison cells long gone
Flutter of a tiny bird escapes through my breath
A single tear for the girl who wears a pretty red dress

is mine is mine

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We groan
Against the
Young generation

Shake our heads
When they use
Their voice
Utilize their power

But why?

Are they not
Our future?
Our legacy?

Or are we so
Naive to think
We will
Live forever?

8 59

i can't allow myself the luxury to despair
as long as my blood's mastered by love

each molecule of mine divides just atoms
of beauty, hope, trust 'n' goals of surviving

people without scruples vanish instantly
can't face the grandeur of my soul 😉

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