27 days since we reached 100 cases. Here is how we compare to various other countries in the first 30 days since outbreak. We're about to cross South Korea's point of containment.

10 45

Today is International Health Day so here are a few of my maps on healthcare capacity in Europe.

38 77

There's an interactive-scrollytelling version of my sampling article https://t.co/p0696BjPQg

I used 's weepeople font in the charts. Fantastic font, by the way.

1 4

contact tracers sure have their work cut out for them. See for yourself: our of case relationships has evolved and grown dramatically over the past month or so.

A new stage in the outbreak or just a bump in the road? https://t.co/qcfusvnDu4

2 3

Researching power of maps to understand how to navigate interconnected and invisible health and social challenges.
Mobility and Ebola outbreak in W Africa by and households maps w roads in Guinea

0 2

Want to nerd out about and more?

's new SciArt Reading Club meets once a month to unpack the science of effective visual

Join the conversation at: https://t.co/rNjyNxsmAD

6 6

Wow. What an eye-opening graphic. This shows the distribution of wealth vs. the distribution of people around the world.


85 234

Le capitali del rumore: un dettaglio della mia per sull'inquinamento acustico, in edicola questa settimana.

14 51

My new map shows the bed capacity of hospitals by Euro regions.

45 83

named after a lion he saw here back in 1299. But lions have never roamed this part of the world. What could he have seen instead? Try the Golden Cat City or Wild Boar City on for size. 🦁👀

3 2

Exploring the differences and similarities between the two major retrospectives of Georgia O’Keeffe in the 1940s, the in 1943 & the rnart in 1946. This alluvial diagram looks at the years of the paintings featured in each show.

2 13

Just got this personalized from my energy provider this morning :) Great to see more data comics out there: https://t.co/s27lRZ3YD6 Lots of exciting research ahead!

4 24

speakers Claire O'Neill & Nadja Popovich create visually-driven stories related to climate & environment at / team. Really looking forward to hearing about their and techniques.

2 4

I'm so honored to hear my name mentioned in podcast "After Hours"! Thank you so much Felix Oberholzer-Gee, and for your kind words on my work.


They talked about my for , and !

11 128

I mapped onshore oil and natural gas reserves in Europe.

31 112

Week 2: The Generations of Toronto

We grouped age data to create maps of each generation from age 10 to 100. The maps show the percentage of the population that's made up of each generation for each DA.


15 34

For my End of Decade Challenge, given that there is an increasing number of fires lately, I decided to visualize fires based on NASA's FIRMS data, focusing on MODIS's active fire dataset: https://t.co/W8OQTt6bRx

3 26

NEW: Questions in Dataviz - How can we visualise decimal numbers? https://t.co/sWq70wQ55o where I solve the question to the Ultimate Answer, use the word "repetend" lots, and feature

11 45

I'm happy to announce that version 1.0.0 of {paletteer} hit CRAN!

- Easy to use interface with proper autocomplete 💓
- Instantly check your palette visually 👀
- Over 650 new palettes from over a dozen packages 📦


78 363

An incredible detailed look at the unidirectional of
pulmonary airflow of the savannah monitor lizard using computational fluid dynamics simulations by ! https://t.co/Qcv3xSYabf

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