# thorinthursday dailyarmitage richardarmitage thorin thorinoakenshield king dwarf majestic thehobbit middleearth lordoftherings repost thranduil huion clipstudiopaint art artph fanart tolkien mcme minecraft lotr minecraftmiddleearth silmarillion celegorm samwisegamgee samwisegamgeeedit samwisethebrave samgamgee samgamgeeedit samgamgeeistherealhero hobbit hobbitart icantcarryitforyoubuticancarryyou rangersofthenorth dunedain rangers dúnedain dunedainart rangersofthenorthart arnor numenor eriador thelordoftherings jrrtolkien aragorn arathorn halbarad gandalf animation 2danimation lotrart fantasy fantasyart anime cartoons lordoftheringsart tolkienart youshallnotpass artistontwitter keyframes boromir aragornart boromirart aragornedit boromiredit lordoftheringsedit lotredit gondor aragornandboromir thranduiledit thranduilfanart jerryvanderstelt thehobbitart thehobbitmovie thehobbitedit thehobbitfanart sauron sauronedit sauronart sauroneye sauronartwork theonering oneringtorulethemall thesilmarillion maiar maia aragorntheking viggomortenson viggomortensen strider animation2d characteranimation digitalanimation frodo onering fellowshipofthering lotrfan animatedfilm animator tor1e balrog balrogofmorgoth gandalfthegrey durinsbane gandalfedit balrogs balrogvsgandalf moria khazaddum artrage middleearthart theoneringrpg chillin roleplayinggames illustration rpg orc tor rpgart rohan rohirrim orcart helmsdeep mordor isengard troll cavetroll goblin fantasycreature dungeoncrawl dnd dndart creatuanary creatuanary2022 nazgul darkeider dailydean deanogorman fili kiliwednesday kili aidanturner

"Do not speak to me of dragon fire for I have encountered it myself."

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In the darkness we can almost make out this Númenórean location.....we think it starts with P?

Screenshot by Smaug_Niphredil

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Throwback Torsday!

So some OldTOR. This one is from Tales from Wilderland by Gareth Hanrahan. He’s a brilliant writer. Simple as that. Buy his novels.

So this was a heartfelt homage to Akseli Gallen-Kallela.

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Throwback Thursday! OldTOR! A personal favourite - This one is the cultural activity for the Rangers of the North.

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Special thanks to.
For the Moody Blues( colors) of the Nazgul

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