Camarasaurus lentus, one of the most common and well-known sauropod dinosaurs. Probably not much to say that you don't already know.

16 69


◯神戸 5会場サーキット

◯名古屋 4会場サーキット
ontology circuit 2019
Live&Lounge Vio 19:20〜


9 14

Throwback Thursday, to 2012 (again) • Today, the Theropod with silly name, Bicentenaria •

3 19


3/21 吉祥寺WARP
3/23 名古屋ontology
4/9 池袋Adm 3マン
4/13 心斎橋BRONZE
4/29 アメ村クラッパー



6 10

On to Teraterpeton itself. The elongated skull is the most eye-catching feature, esp compared to its relatives. Interestingly, the big hole in the snout was likely an external narial fenestra. Thus, the nostrils were much farther back than in others.

5 23


3月18日(月)渋谷TSUTAYA O-Crest

3月23日(土)新栄APOLLO BASE
"ontology 2019"

"エモ地球博 2019"


3 9

My most detailed entry into the Proboscidea series was the American mastodon. I painted as much of the fur as possible.

3 28

Palaeoloxodon falconeri is a great example of the crazy size disparity that can occur within the same genus. I didn't know this extreme was possible for mammals

7 37

Aaand the biggest proboscidean ever, the massive Palaeoloxodon namadicus. This one I can really hear the elephant-like rumble every time I look at it.

7 30

216-Million-Year-Old Microfossils Represent North America’s Earliest Frog

0 1

Tiny Tyrannosaur Hints at How T. Rex Became King
The deer-sized dinosaur preceded one of Earth’s most fearsome predators.


3 13

Spinosuchus was probably similar in size to Trilophosaurus, although as you can see its tall neural spines give its back a raised hump/sail and less of the lean, iguana-like silhouette.

3 6

I also went with a similar coloration scheme, with a striped face and patterning along the upper half of the body on a yellow-green "base". There's a possibility Spinosuchus was arboreal like its close relative, but either way I think this coloration fits.

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