# drusiph comic comicstrip comicbook comedy cartoon webtoon webcomic webseries writing satire sarcasm joke laughter humour funny comedian standupcomedy conversation dialogue tired feethurt tv startrek comfortfood food redbaronpizza rccola dogs easter happyeaster passover crucified holidays religion astrology easterbunny santaclaus comedyshows promotion promoter kissass asskisser suckup befunny sigh options choices liberal conservative easilyoffended offended belittle bully bullying disparage hurtful thoughtless pasta noodles soup ramen pho dinner italianfood asianfood singleserving servingsizesuggestions friday dating breakingup relationships romance love tinaturner whatslovegottodowithit itsnotyouitsme weekend sex fighting domesticviolence assault violence blackeye meta stigma socialstigma guns guncontrol gunlaws immigration drivinglaws illegalimmigration thinkbeforeyouspeak monday 80s 80smovies scifi realdoll sexdoll melaniegriffith cherry2000 lazy wednesday comics comicstrips comicbooks cartoons profanity cusswords cursing aphorism kissmyass ass butt inviting racism bigotry racist bigot inequality sexism ageism homophobic transphobic laugh photography celebrities famous successful bugleboyjeans 80fashion 80sstyle commentary friends gay homosexual lgbtq comingout outofthecloset flirting assumptions vanity vandalism spraypaint streetart graffiti art urbanart spray paint painting artwork juxtaposition wordplay vandal corset clothing journeyquest fanart journey questionsandanswers fantasy carrow undead zombie questionnaire doodle sketch fruit bananas poop color poopjoke

Support Scottish sci-fi webseries with a wee follow and by checking out their Kickstarter campaign! https://t.co/ELOdOMzWzD

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Ein Panda(fursuiter) als Hauptcharkter einer australischen Webserie? Wo gibt es denn sowas? Na bei uns! 😉

WASTELANDER PANDA ist jetzt auf DVD und Blu-ray erhältlich: https://t.co/chPlgCD68n

Trailer: https://t.co/4DnBdOYKZD

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La webserie est en preparation!

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