Vaïre, the godess of history and time. She weaves past, present, and future of history. Wife of Mandos, Nàmo ⏳

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Mandos, Nàmo, the god, judge, and keeper of dead people, He knows everything and don't forget anything. Master of spirits. Husband of Vaïre.

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Aulë, the blacksmith god ⛰️💎🔨, lord of matter and all crafts, father of the Dwarves. Creator of the Two Lamps and the vessels of the Sun and Moon. Husband of Yavanna.

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Yavanna, Kementàri, queen of the Earth and giver of fruits 🌱🍐🌽. Also creatress of the Ents and the two trees of Valinor. Wife of Aulë.
early design and final :)

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Hello Twitter! Let's get started!
here is an old from the world !

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Isildur Sketch by BohemianWeasel! It only makes sense to post something Isildur today with the awesome reveal by ! ⁣

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